President's Update: Looking back, rain and our club.
Hey all you crazy triathletes!
Following up on my Facebook past, I am riding a natural high as I continue to look forward after my knee surgery two years ago. I know this may be a #FirstWorldProblem but while I was still out from anesthesia, the doc came out of surgery and told my wife that I probably wouldn't be able to run much anymore. Take that news as you wake up!
Can you imagine?
Waking up being told that you won't be able to run. But...slowly and under the guidance of a few local "running" migrated from crutches, to (some crawling) limping to water-running to finally running.
Showing up at track with my crutches will always be one of my favorite memories. Should I have stayed in and watched another movie? Probably...but this is my club. You are my people. We are all like-minded and I wanted to be around my endurance family.
That's why I tri.
On the bright side (see what I did there?), check out this link to see how Lake San Antonio is filling up! Right now she's at 32%...WILDFLOWER, BABY!!
With all of this rain, sometimes we are stuck riding/running inside. What do your #PainCave look like? Post a picture on our Facebook page with #PainCave for all to see!
Further on that note, Calvin wants everybody to shout out with tags and pictures of their workouts, group rides or just hanging out so he can use these photos on social media. Entirely up to you, but remember we are doing this #ForCalvin
Congratulations to all racers at the Stanford Treeathlon!
Plenty of SCTA runners out there at the Santa Cruz Half was an uber COLD day, but a perfect day for running!
This weekend...She Is Beautiful 10k/5k. Who will be there with me cheering on all of these POWERFUL ladies?

Our Nu2Tri athletes are doing such amazing work! Smiling through the endurance pain that we told them would feel so good haha!
Please email if you have any questions!
- 3/13 - TODAY! The last #TrackTuesdsay at Soquel High School until June. Keep an eye out on the calendar for the various locations (Jewel Box, West Cliff, Seymour Marine Discovery Center, Harbor High track).
- 3/15 - Last week was our last Spokesman spin with the Hoff. This week is the start of Martin's Thursday hill repeats / interval sessions. Check the calendar for various locations.
- 3/19 - General Meeting @ Fleet Feet Aptos @ 6:30pm (lots of traffic on Hwy 1. Plan accordingly).
Updates from the President:
For all of my triathlon news and updates, I stopped checking and now I scope out This is a GREAT site for all of your triathlon news. Check it out!
We have received some updated images from BOCO for our trucker hats and visors. They will be here sometime in April and we'll be selling them off. Stay tuned!
If you have ANY questions on this please come talk to me during our club workouts or email me directly at
Steve Doinidis